What black love means to me…
The sentiment behind and representation of black love matters.
As a young black woman who absolutely loves the melanin in her skin, showcasing its beauty in the context of relationships is very important to me. Whilst growing up, I hardly saw myself in beauty standards that were projected in modern society and reinforced by the media. I was conditioned to think the darker the skin, the less attractive a woman was.
In western society, black women are often sexualised and regarded as objects. We are thought to be less than
and therefore, less desirable. This is not just something that exists outside the race but unfortunately, is something believed by a handful of those within our race, perpetuating a narrative of self-hate based on the false premise that lighter skin is better, more attractive and therefore, more desirable. This has sadly led to a surge of women seeking chemical remedies to lighten their complexion, a trend that has nourished the growth of the bleaching industry now worth approximately $8.6 billion (in 2020).
It is also no secret that black men are often fetishized. The fetishization of black masculinity was poignantly displayed during the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020 in which a handful of white “allies” a held signs that read “Stop shooting black men. I want mixed babies” and “I love black d*ck, so you will hear me speak”. Disturbingly, this shows that for some, the value of black lives is purely based on their sexual desires – a truly degrading belief that marks the start of a dangerous slippery slope.
Sadly, this is all rooted in the historic (and continued) exploitation of and racism towards black people.
For me, this Black Love series is about loving each other and therefore, loving ourselves. I purposefully chose to ensure that each piece exhibits the beauty of black skin and the beauty of recognising the value in it because to do so is a beautiful thing. Black love is rooted in resilience and hope. It allows us to broaden our lineage and build stronger connections to our ancestors through passion, empathy and understanding. It ensures that our rich and diverse cultures and traditions are maintained, valued and passed down to future generations. Most importantly, it teaches and encourages future generations to do the same.
Note that I am in no way trying to diminish the importance or beauty of love amongst other races or within interracial relationships – love is love and goes beyond a person’s race. However, one can not turn a blind eye to fact that colourism still exists in society today. Through my Black Love series, I hope to break that down and shine a light on what is not often showcased.
This is why the sentiment behind and representation of black love matters.