International Contemporary
art Fair, Paris 2021.
In October 2020, I was approached by an art curator from Madrid-based Van Gogh Art Gallery. They came across my Instagram page, really loved my work and offered me the amazing opportunity to have my artwork exhibited in Paris!
The Eiffel Tower. Paris, France.
The exhibition located at Porte de Versailles. Paris, France.
Me, myself & I (2020)
Me, Myself & I is a vivid depiction of a black skin woman pleasuring herself, as her left hand is positioned in between her legs and her right caresses her breast. The purple background combines the calm stability of blue and the fierce energy of red. As such, the strokes of lilac depict peace, independence and dignity whilst the violet strokes evoke passion, excitement and warmth.
As this woman’s head is tilted upwards, she appears to be facing the sky, demonstrating the lightness she feels, showing that she is at peace with herself. This is illuminated by the bold vertical strokes of white paint that appear to descend from the top of the piece. When a woman climaxes, she produces oxytocin and endorphins that put her in a good mood and can help relieve some physical pain. Hence, this piece depicts the health benefits of self-pleasuring, including stress relief, improved sleep and being a form of meditation. Therefore, the audience is forced to see masturbation positively and challenged to have a conversation about the taboo subject.
The sand textured paint used to accentuate the texture of the black woman’s lustrous hair was purposefully used to make the hair stand out on the canvas. The waves of hair represent the impulses women feel to pleasure themselves. It also depicts the rhythm that women must create whilst stimulating themselves to climax.
The inspiration behind this piece was forcing myself to think deeply about what self-love means to me. Self-love should be both mental and physical in nature and this is perfectly captured by this piece. For this reason, we collectively as a society need to embrace what self-love looks like in the physical realm beyond exercise and maintaining a healthy diet.
Me, Myself & I and Growth on display.
Me, Myself & I and Growth on display.
Growth (2020)
Growth is a piece that symbolises the importance of growth from within to glow without.
The vivid background comprises of pink, peach and orange colours, a vibrant combination that captures the audience’s attention. This is a necessary feature since growth deserves one’s undivided attention. Growth is something that shines brightly in a person because it nourishes the soul, causing one to glow and appear radiant on the outside.
The sand textured background takes this further by making this piece appear stimulating two different senses: sight and touch. Since our growth on a personal, professional and spiritual level is visible to the people around us and is something that we all strive to touch in every aspect of our lives, it was necessary to trigger these two senses.
The colour pallet and sand textured paint used to create this striking background compliments the smooth chocolate skin of the woman in this piece. The woman’s body is positioned in a very comfortable way, allowing the audience to envision her sitting at home in bed or possibly on the floor in a relaxed and calm manner. This is indicative of the calmness one feels when they engage in honest self-reflection to acknowledge their accomplishments and mistakes. This provides clarity when identifying areas of improvement to become a better person.
The bright flower purposefully masks the face of this woman so as to ensure her identity and age is not revealed - self-growth is a timeless pursuit for all. It is a life-long process to maximise one’s strengths, work through weaknesses and commit to long term happiness. As the audience move around this piece, they will see the glisten of the orange iridescent paint in the flower and background of the artwork. This is a vivid reminder of the sparkle one feels when they acknowledge their own growth and personal triumphs.
Further, the flower appears to be dripping over the body of the woman, representing the overflow of joy and happiness one feels as they get one step closer to becoming the person they want to be. This can be a challenging quest for many, but any and every one can achieve this.
Growth was inspired by the journey I embarked on to better love and understand myself as a young adult. I have done this by acknowledging my past mistakes to learn, heal and grow from to become a better version of myself in the future. This journey also involves being honest about experiences that have had a detrimental impact on me either mentally, physically and spiritually. There is strength in doing so. I firmly believe that self-reflection is necessary for growth and self-preservation.